Handy Dandy Door Hangers

Handy Dandy Door HangersA recent hotel stay started our kiddos’ obsession with door knockers. Who knew that on, off, backwards, and upside down — they provided a lot of quiet amusement? Sometimes learning comes from the most unexpected places!

So while parents dream of a Do Not Disturb sign, littles can make their very own Handy Dandy Door Knockers!

Begin by leading your little to decorate the front and back of a paper plate. Don’t forget the round outer circle too. Bigger kids will love to write a special message on theirs as well. From “Come In” to “No Big Brothers Allowed!” Then use a hole puncher and string to get your door knocker ready for action!

Spaghetti Splatter Art!

Spaghetti Splatter ArtThis week we decided to take our art outside and soak up some August sun. If you’re ready to have some silly fun, try Spaghetti Splatter Art before the Summer is done!

A little leftover lunch and a few giant pieces of cardboard were our inspiration. You’ll need: cooked spaghetti, washable paint, and large paper.

First, encourage your little one to explore the slippery spaghetti hands on! How does it look, feel, smell, even taste?

Next, they can swirl the spaghetti strings around in different color paint. We chose a bright pink and a soft orange. You can even mix your own custom shades.

Now your kiddo can use their spaghetti as a silly paintbrush, whirling and twirling around the page. If you have a big enough canvas, toss or plop the spaghetti down too. This method makes for super modern splatter art and the best messy memories!

Pieces To Puppets

Pieces to Puppets

To make room for all the new mini masterpieces about to come our way this school year, we started sorting our Summer’s art work. But before tossing out our older projects, inspiration struck! PIECES TO PUPPETS helped us to turn this would-be chore into an awesome activity!


Start by looking through your little’s art together. What is your favorite part of the piece? Take your scissors and snip out what speaks the most to you!


Now it’s time to let your imagination run wild as you turn your artwork into a new friend! We gave our bitty boy some martian antennas and our swirly starfish a proper name. What will you add? Glitter, googly eyes, a super hero smile? For a final touch, glue a popsicle stick to the back of each piece. With creative kiddos, wonders never cease!




Crabby Cuties

Crabby CutiesWhen our favorite toddlers get cranky, it’s often boredom causing the meltdown. So next time your cutie gets crabby, have this simple craft handy. Meet our CRABBY CUTIES!

You’ll need: a half a paper plate, white & red construction paper, scissors, glue, and crayons.

CUT: Bigger kids will love to cut their own plates and paper, but encourage littles to try too. Our red claws are heart shaped, while our white eyes are oval shaped.

COLOR: Simply have your kiddo color the paper plate half as the crab’s hard shelled body.

GLUE: Then glue your crab claws and eyes to the back of the plate. We added blue pupils and a crooked smile to make our Crabby Cutie friendlier.

PLAY: While your crafted cutie dries, practice your own crab walks! Sit down and reach your hands back, now lift your belly button up to the sky. Try walking using your feet and hands as claws. And did you know most crabs walk sideways? Try crab walking side to side too!

Once little hands and bodies are kept busy, the crabbiness washes away and the cuteness comes out to play!