Family Flags

Family FlagsWith 4th of July and The World Cup, our littles have been asking a ton of questions about what flags are. The colors, stripes, and shapes are eye catching to toddlers. And the stories behind what each represent fascinate the kid in us all!

So we decided to make our own FAMILY FLAGS this Summer. That way whatever game we play, from hide & seek to racing to clean up, our family team members can root us on from the sidelines!

1. Cut a rectangular piece of paper. It should be small enough to be glued onto the top half of a popsicle stick “flag pole”.

2. Pick what colors you are going to use. Most flags have 3 colors, so chose your top 3 favorite shades.

3. Decide what shapes you are going to use. Circles, stars, moons, and stripes are always fun. What does each shape stand for on your flag?

Every flag has a story! Look at ours here by Hudson. His is red because that’s the color of his front door, and orange because oranges are his favorite fruit. Each star sticker represents a different member of his family. What story will your Family Flags tell?