Taste of Toddler Camp Conejo Valley

We are excited to host our Conejo Valley Taste of Toddler Camp event THIS Wednesday at 9:30am at the Hideout. We hope you will join us for a fun morning preview of our Spring session.

Kim will be hosting the group.

You can register online as follows:

– Visit our online scheduler here

– Choose the “Online Store” tab at the top right of the page

– Select “Taste of Toddler Camp” from the drop down

-Add the ticket types you need to your cart and checkout

Encouraging Indoor Exercise!

Encouraging Indoor Exercise!With temperatures dropping, it gets harder to keep kids moving when stuck inside! But we have some ideas to keep little ones working their gross motor skills indoors, come rain or shine. Read on and play along!

1. Use painters tape. Make a maze on the floor for kids to trace with their feet. Have them do it on one leg, all fours, and even backwards for an added challenge.

2. Use pillows. See how tall you can stack them together. Can your little balance on top of two or three or four? Give them a hand to high jump over a stack for heightened fun.

3. Use cardboard boxes. If you have a few, you’ve created a set of giant blocks to play with. Then line up flattened, skinny ones to use as a balance beam. Use thicker ones to create a ramp, then run and roll down the incline.

4. Use a ball. Practice throws are best saved for outside. But you can easily roll your way to some indoor fun by making your own bowling game. All you’ll need are some plastic water bottles to knock down. For bonus points, sit down and see if you can pass the ball from one player to the next using just your feet.

5. Use a jump rope. Wiggle it on the floor like a slithering snake for your young explorers to jump over. Raise it high to limbo low under. Brave players may want to pull it taught for a friendly game of tug of war!