Keeping Toys Contained!

Keeping Toys Contained!When the cuteness has turned to clutter, and the toy piles are bigger than your toddler herself, it’s time to give our list a gander. Here are our top tips for “Keeping Toys Contained!”

1. Clean house. If your kiddo has more things than actually fit in his room, you won’t stand a chance of getting the mess tamed. So take a few hours to remove the toys that aren’t developmentally challenging for him anymore. Donate the outdated ones at a local charity.

2. Make the old new again! The toys that haven’t been used in a while, but are too hard to part with can make for a great rainy day activity bin. So pack them away for a few months, and when boredom kicks in, they can make a reappearance.

3. Get the low down. If you kneel to see whats actually at your tot’s eye level, you’ll be able to place her favorite things in reaching distance. Then pack smaller, less used items high above.

4. Invest in clarity. A few see through bins will make all the difference when it comes to clean up time. Once you’ve got things organized, you’ll see what size containers you’ll need to purchase. And everyone will be able to clean up if they can clearly see what lives inside.

5. Squeaky routine! Changes take time, but you can solidify new patterns of behavior more quickly by making them part of your every day routine. So maybe a 10 minute clean up can become part of your bedtime ritual. Goodnight clutter means good morning peace!