Our Top 10 “TRICK OR TREAT” Toddler Tips!

TRICK OR TREAT Toddler Tips!Halloween can be a wonderful time for playing make believe, indulging in our favorite treats, and making picture worthy memories. But safety is key when out on all Hallows Eve. Keep your holiday sweet with Our Top 10 TRICK OR TREAT Toddler Tips!

1. Set the ground rules in advance, so kids know what is expected of them.

2. Use organic makeup or face paint instead of a mask to keep vision and breath clear.

3. Be careful of other kids’ costume props like swords, wands, or crowns.

4. Keep an eye out for any shoelaces or costume hems that may have come undone.

5. Use reflective tape, stickers, and light colored clothing if staying out after the sun goes down. Glow sticks and flashlights are great too.

6. Consider attaching an emergency bracelet or sticker with your info (not your child’s name) in case you get separated.

7. Toss out homemade treats and make sure any candy’s packaging is untampered with.

8. Watch for coins or hard candy that may be given out and could pose a choking hazard to young ones.

9. Cross only at safe crosswalks, being mindful of reckless drivers. And drive extra carefully, being mindful of darting children.

10. Host your own Halloween party with healthy treats, stickers for prizes, gooey games, and a neighborhood costume contest!